About project

We had the privilege of redesigning the website for Dina Deykun Photography, a Europe-based photographer known for her artistry, passion for travel, and love for wine.

Duration: The project was completed within a span of 8 weeks, from concept to final deployment.

Client: Dina Deykun Photography

Subject: Website Redesign for Dina Deykun Photography

Our Task Was

In the design process, our primary goal was to create a visually stunning and user-friendly website that reflects Dina Deykun’s unique artistic style and commitment to capturing her clients’ individuality. We aimed to showcase her portfolio while providing a seamless experience for visitors.


  • Discovery & Research: We began by thoroughly understanding Dina’s artistic vision, her love for photography, and her inspirations.
  • Design Concept: Developing a design concept that resonated with Dina’s aesthetics, incorporating elements inspired by famous fashion photographers and artists like Rembrandt.
  • Content Organization: Structuring the website to showcase Dina’s portfolio, exhibitions, and her passion for photography and art.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Creating an intuitive navigation system for visitors to explore her work effortlessly.
  • Visual Design: Crafting a visually captivating design that complements her photography and artistic style.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensuring the website is seamlessly accessible on all devices.
  • Testing & Optimization: Rigorous testing for functionality, performance, and responsiveness.


  • Captivating Visuals: The website now exudes the beauty and artistry of Dina’s work, drawing visitors into her world.
  • Enhanced User Experience: With improved navigation and responsive design, visitors can effortlessly explore her portfolio.
  • Increased Engagement: Dina’s exhibitions, inspirations, and photography philosophy are now readily accessible, fostering a deeper connection with her audience.
  • Professionalism: The website reflects Dina’s commitment to her craft, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients.


We are proud to have collaborated with Dina Deykun Photography to create a website that not only represents her artistic journey but also provides a platform for her to connect with a wider audience. We believe this redesign will further elevate her legacy in the world of photography and art.